Food insecurity within our community has only increased due to a variety of factors driven by Covid-19. To help alleviate some of these insecurities, a missional food pantry operated by Project:Re³ has opened at 3801 Old Hollow Rd in Kernersville to deliver much-needed food to those in need throughout our community.
Project:Re³ aims to be a catalyst for change by engaging in relationships with food-insecure neighbors on their path to self-sufficiency. Our food pantry has a mission to help eradicate food insecurity, end hunger, and leverage the power of food to build healthy communities.”
The Hope Center is currently open for food and clothing distribution every Wednesday from 9am-11am and every Saturday from 9am-11am. We are also open for food distribution only on the 2nd Wednesday night of each month from 6pm-8pm. We will be adding more open times very soon.
Keep up with all the Hope Center News on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Re3HopeCenter/
Food Pantry Coordinator: Brooke Lawson brookel@projectre3.org 336-497-1330
Our Food Pantry can accept any non-perishable food items and paper goods. Below you will find the items most needed.
- Peanut butter
- Canned soup
- Canned fruit
- Canned vegetables
- Canned stew
- Canned fish
- Canned beans
- Pasta (most prefer whole grain)
- Rice (most prefer brown rice)
- Granola Bars
- Whole Grain Cereal